Tue, 12 May, 2020
The COMBUSS project, which began in November 2018, is aimed at developing novel heated composite tooling for the out-of-autoclave processing of complex parts for the aerospace industry. The part manufactured in COMBUSS is a composite wing skin with integrated stringers. The tooling delivered under this project will have the flexibility to be used both in and out of autoclave (by means of an integrated heating system), in order to best fit the needs of the end-users.
With support from Brunel University (BCC) and TWI, OMI has successfully manufactured the master tooling. More specifically, the following tasks have been completed:
- Critical design review with topic manager Aernnova.
- Epoxy blocks for skin master tool assembled and CNC machined.
- Master tool for caul plate machine.
The remaining tasks are the following:
- Manufacturing of skin mould tool.
- Manufacturing of caul plate.
- Integration of the integrated heating system (Laminaheat)* in the tool.
- Tools assembly.
* http://www.laminaheat.com/en/
Caul plate master
Skin master tool
Frozen design